Total wafer shipments decreased by 45.6% from 424,848 wafers (eight-inch equivalent) in the first quarter of 2008 to 231,198 wafers (eight-inch equivalent) in the first quarter of 2009. Average selling price (“ASP”) increased by 4.0% from $892 per wafer (eight-inch equivalent) to $928 per wafer (eight-inch equivalent) over the same period, due primarily to a more favorable product mix arising from higher shipments of 65nm products, partially offset by lower selling prices.
Revenue from our 0.13um and below technologies represented 55% of our net revenue in the first quarter of 2008 as compared to 65% of our net revenue in the first quarter of 2009. In terms of absolute dollars, such revenue decreased by 26% between the first quarters of 2008 and 2009, due primarily to lower shipments of 90nm to 0.13um products. Revenue from our 65nm and below technologies increased from 11% of our net revenue in the first quarter of 2008 to 25% of our net revenue in the first quarter of 2009. Revenue from our technologies above 0.13um up to 0.18um increased from 10% of our net revenue in first quarter of 2008 to 18% of our net revenue in the first quarter of 2009, due primarily to the contribution from Fab 3E.